Garante authorizes OpenAI to reinstate ChatGPT
Read the original post here.
The Garante announced, on 28 April 2023, that it had received a letter from OpenAI, describing the measures the latter had implemented regarding ChatGPT, in order to comply with the order issued by the Garante. In particular, the Garante noted that OpenAI, among other things:
- expanded the information provided to EU users and non-users;
- amended and clarified several mechanisms and deployed solutions to enable users and non-users to exercise their rights, such as the right to opt-out of processing of personal data for training of algorithms; and
- added, in a dedicated page reserved to Italian registered users, a button that allows the same to confirm that they are at least 18 years of age prior to gaining access to the service, or alternatively that they are aged above 13 and have obtained parental consent.
Based on the actions taken by OpenAI, the Garante authorised the reinstatement of ChatGPT for Italian users.
You can read the press release, available in Italian and English, here.